Thursday, December 13, 2012

And May the Best Man Win, oh wait...He Did

     During the election is was a tight race, but I believe there was one move that decided the win. That move was Hurricane Sandy. Honestly Sandy couldn't have come at a better time. It was as if God, himself threw in a hurricane just to help Obama win. New York was the most unlikely place in the United States for this Hurricane to happen, or at least it was to me. I believe that the President was honestly worried for the citizens of New York, I also believe his campaign managers are smart enough to use an opportunity such as this and spin it in their favor. He didn't drop his political campaign, he came at it from a different angle. I agree with Braden about the president, but I also believed that his going to NY was the move that took the king. He could have stayed in the White House where he was safe, but he didn't. To actually go to the area of devastation, when most people in his position would only ask for a video feed, showed that he was there for the people, and that the people were always foremost in his mind. It was political genius! As a strategist, I believe it couldn't have been a better play, and that he used this event to help further his political career. Even some republicans agreed that he did an amazing job. No one, with any political credibility would argue else wise. Yet I believe that the only reason republicans would be mad at the presidents action was because they didn't take advantage of the opportunity first. As a result he won.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Help, I've Fallen and I- Oh Never mind!

     Let's us talk about the one main topic that seemed to throw our beautiful nation into complete and unsightly temper tantrum over the last few years. That's right, Health Care, or better known as Obama Care. It seems that the people of our nation thought that this would bring about the end of the world. Well, that's the only logical explanation I could think of, that would justify people being so against it. Now I understand that Health Care was something the likes of us had never seen before, and we indeed are a people who are stuck in our ways. Yet, if we remained stuck, we will never be able to truly progress into the future.
     Our taxes would be raised! So what? It's not like that hasn't happened before. If you look at certain places, like Canada, who are decades ahead of us in this race to be the best. They give free healthcare to their citizens, who in return pay higher taxes, but in retrospect, are happier. I used to think that if a person was injured badly they could go to the hospital regardless of whether they had health insurance or any form of healthcare policy. I have never been more wrong than this before.
     What I don't get is why fight against something that actually helps our country? We claim to be United, heck it's in our name UNITED STATES, but how can a people of one nation fight against helping those who need protecting? It doesn't just work for the people who can't afford healthcare, it also helps workers of large and small companies alike. Many of which, don't offer any form of health care for their workers. Sure they love having people work and help them make their business grow, but they don't want to spend the extra money it would take to get those same people a healthcare policy. Why the double standard? Because Americans are cheap, we would rather fire a person that has worked at our business for years, than pay for their medical expenses. And many of these big businesses do just that! If it were happening to someone you loved you wouldn't put up with it. Isn't it time we demand that our government take better care of us?   

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Choice is Theirs, not Yours.

I often hear people speculate about abortions and whether or not they are right or wrong. And a lot of times you find that the people who don't have children are the ones who have the most to say about it. I am a mother and I have been for over a year now. Although I am a mother and I would not give my son up for any reason I am very much pro-choice. In the post by a fellow classmate are-you-going-to-kill-your-own-baby? She makes a point that the mother has a responsibility to the child. She is right about the mother having a responsibility, but I believe the responsibility is to herself. If taking care of a baby consisted only of giving it hugs and kisses then anyone could do it. But, sadly it doesn't work like that. We can so easily pass judgement on others even though we've never walked in their shoes. Even if a woman decides to have a baby and give it up (which is what many argue should be the right way to avoid abortion) She still has to go through the physical, and mental changes her body is going to go through in order to give birth. No matter how "well" she thinks the pregnancy will go it is very stressful on the body, even for the most fit mother-to-be. After she has the baby she gives it to an orphanage that 9 times out of 10 is over crowded with abandoned children. The child grows up being neglected and under cared for, with an extremely low success rate at being adopted. Now you may want to argue that it's a better circumstance than being aborted. That's your opinion. Just like you don't want someone forcing you to obey their beliefs and follow there laws, don't do it to others. If they make that choice, let them live with their decision. It is unconstitutional as well as cruel and unusual punishment to FORCE a woman (who is against it) to go through the demanding and tiring process of a pregnancy. I know you are probably saying "You are a mother, you have a son how can you be pro-choice?" Well, it is because I have been through the experience, and I know what it takes to birth a child. And for the men who are against abortions, I want you to imagine a baseball sliding down, breaking apart your pelvic bone, widening and stretching your urethra, and splitting your penis in half...Now I want you to imagine a cantaloupe (which is the actual size of a newborn's head) doing the exact same thing. If you wouldn't be willing to experience that kind of pain don't try to push it on someone else.  

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Are we there yet?

Are we there yet? Is the question children ask there parents when the drive in the car gets a little too long. It's also the same question we, as citizens of the United States of America, should be asking the current Administration. But, we already know the answer "Just a little further." Well how much is a little? I firmly believe that our current Administration is doing a good job, at helping fix America, with what they have to work with. Understanding that they didn't cause the "Low Economy" they are working to fix it is a fact that we fail to see. I have rephrased my evaluation into a story. I want you to keep an open mind to what you are about to read. It explains why I think we are in good hands.
          America was an addict, one that was addicted to the fast, carefree, and wild life. America would party all night long and sleep all day. She would take what she wanted from the people who loved and adored her, and give little to nothing, or just enough back to keep people loving her. She knew how to present herself to make men want her, and her children adore her. And the people who wanted to keep her, fought for her. America continued to bleed her loved ones dry. Even the men who married her (the presidents) began to be seduced by her greed. They gave her the drugs she wanted without a second thought. Finally, with all of the different poisons running through her veins, she overdosed. And then her children realized that she needed to be put in rehab and fast, or they could end up losing the mother they loved so much. After her many divorces to faithful, she met a new man. We, as her children, didn't think he was right for our mother. We didn't think he could give her what she needed to become better. But, we allowed him the marry our strung-out, addict mother. Right now Mother America is in rehab, and our Administration is dealing with her crazy ass. Although it's hard for us to see our once glorious mother, beat up and suffering, it looks like she is getting better, she is slowly returning to the respectable woman she once was. Of course it's not easy for a man to change the seeded ways of a woman who has been an addict for years, and her children who are afraid to believe in him. He takes into consideration the past pains we've dealt with and so far he's kept a lot of promises that he's made (188 of them to be exact). And she may relapse, as most addicts do, but I know that the current Administration can handle it.

And you're Out!

During the presidential debates the commentators are there to ask questions, keep the candidates within their allotted speaking time, and keep the peace. But, what happens when the commentator steps outside the lines of his or her duties. In this day and age of political warfare we look to other non-candidate parties to keep the battles fair and honest. The presidential debates are aimed towards parties to keep their already decided voters, and to get the vote of undecided voters. After the second presidential debate Fox news took to the stands to criticize Candy Crowley, for her "Team Obama" act during the debate. They claim that she sided with the Democratic party allowing for Obama to gain favor during the debate. In this claim they go as far as saying she help give Obama a life line, and blocked the progression of the Republican party. Fox also show the total amount of talking time each candidate received. Obama total talking time was 44 minutes and 4 seconds and Romney's was 40 minutes and 50 seconds. i watched the debate and can't help to disagree with Fox on this one. During the debate Candy was very fair to both Obama and Romney. She stopped President Obama from interrupting Governor Romney on several occasions, and attempted to keep the debate moving forward. As far as the whole "Taking Obama's side in the debate" I believe commentators should be required to keep both parties honest. They should be allowed to correct a statement that was falsely presented. I see nothing wrong in doing this. Allowing for that to happen showed that even though candidates may seem to get things right, they can also get things wrong. They are trying to sell Americans a product, that "product" being themselves. And as the "buyers" we need to make sure that their warning labels are correct, and that they have all the possible side effects listed.  To view the full report that Fox published, please visit the link below.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Romney new life, Not so

In this article it states that after the presidential debate took place Romney seemed to gain the upper hand. I entirely DISAGREE. I think this writer is pro-Romney and wanted to help shift the outlook in his favor to the republicans. After reading the article I think the author's credibility is non-existent. I watched the debate and at first, I went in with a clear mind. Although I did not vote last year I fully intend to do so this year, so I want to be informed on both parties and where they stand. After watching the debate I am so pro-Obama it's not even funny. The main factor for throwing my vote to his side was the fact that Romney's "Tax plan" was full of s!@#. Seriously. On one hand he said he'd cut taxes by 20% and on the other hand he said he wouldn't cut taxes if it were to drop revenues. Listen to what is being said people. Look at the facts if he were to cut taxes by that much revenues WILL fall, there is no question about that. So what did he say he would NOT do if it dropped revenues? He is not a decisive leader, and it seems he doesn't have an original thought running through that head of his. And did we forget the "legitimate rape" issue. Come on! I definitely don't want a man like that as my president. I decided to see just how President Obama fared on the issues he promised to fix so I went to Obama's Kept Promises and saw that he has kept over 180 of his promises way more than the one before him, yet people only want to focus on ObamaCare, and what he hasn't been able to do. The article from the debate, which this blog is about can be viewed here Debate gives Romney new life on USA Today. After researching Romney even more I believe that other parties want so badly to get rid of President Obama that they rushed and picked an extremely unqualified guy to go up against him. The republicans wouldn't even work with Obama to help solve our issues after he became president, when he tried to unite the parties. Why would I EVER vote for a petty party like that.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Be Silent or Die

The freedom of Speech is given to us as our right to being Americans, but is there a limit to how far it should go? Because of one man's right to the freedom of speech, people have been slain. The movie titled "Innocence of Islam" has outraged the Muslim community though-out Libya. Extremist took one man's outlook and decided to act upon it. The movie itself not only defiles the image of the prophet Mohammad, it depicts the religion of Islam as violent, and full of hypocrisy. The actions of the religion in question, to me, confirms the truth behind the curtain. Just because one man made a decision to do something, they decided to kill four innocent people. Christopher Stevens, one of the four killed, was a man who worked most of his life to help better nations like Libya. He was a kind and peaceful man who dedicated, and gave his life for a better cause. Nations make slanderous remarks about us all the time, yet you don't see us rioting and killing innocent people like savages. The pictures shown of Christopher Stevens were brutal. This man was beaten to death. He was plum-colored with bruises the size of baseballs all around his face. Below, I have posted two the actual pictures of Christopher Stevens death. In these pictures he IS dead. I take this time to warn you of the content. Also there are two links one of the video that started it all, and the other the result of it all. I believe you should read the Article from CNN below. We, as a nation, need to start educating ourselves and the people around us to what's really going on in the world today. Should we just stand by and allow for this to happen? Should we prosecute a man for his right to speak freely? Should nations bow down in fear of extremist acts from the Muslim nations? The floor is yours.

CNN: Slain ambassador...

Innocence of Muslims


(obtained through Google Search Engine)