Friday, October 5, 2012

Romney new life, Not so

In this article it states that after the presidential debate took place Romney seemed to gain the upper hand. I entirely DISAGREE. I think this writer is pro-Romney and wanted to help shift the outlook in his favor to the republicans. After reading the article I think the author's credibility is non-existent. I watched the debate and at first, I went in with a clear mind. Although I did not vote last year I fully intend to do so this year, so I want to be informed on both parties and where they stand. After watching the debate I am so pro-Obama it's not even funny. The main factor for throwing my vote to his side was the fact that Romney's "Tax plan" was full of s!@#. Seriously. On one hand he said he'd cut taxes by 20% and on the other hand he said he wouldn't cut taxes if it were to drop revenues. Listen to what is being said people. Look at the facts if he were to cut taxes by that much revenues WILL fall, there is no question about that. So what did he say he would NOT do if it dropped revenues? He is not a decisive leader, and it seems he doesn't have an original thought running through that head of his. And did we forget the "legitimate rape" issue. Come on! I definitely don't want a man like that as my president. I decided to see just how President Obama fared on the issues he promised to fix so I went to Obama's Kept Promises and saw that he has kept over 180 of his promises way more than the one before him, yet people only want to focus on ObamaCare, and what he hasn't been able to do. The article from the debate, which this blog is about can be viewed here Debate gives Romney new life on USA Today. After researching Romney even more I believe that other parties want so badly to get rid of President Obama that they rushed and picked an extremely unqualified guy to go up against him. The republicans wouldn't even work with Obama to help solve our issues after he became president, when he tried to unite the parties. Why would I EVER vote for a petty party like that.

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