Thursday, December 13, 2012

And May the Best Man Win, oh wait...He Did

     During the election is was a tight race, but I believe there was one move that decided the win. That move was Hurricane Sandy. Honestly Sandy couldn't have come at a better time. It was as if God, himself threw in a hurricane just to help Obama win. New York was the most unlikely place in the United States for this Hurricane to happen, or at least it was to me. I believe that the President was honestly worried for the citizens of New York, I also believe his campaign managers are smart enough to use an opportunity such as this and spin it in their favor. He didn't drop his political campaign, he came at it from a different angle. I agree with Braden about the president, but I also believed that his going to NY was the move that took the king. He could have stayed in the White House where he was safe, but he didn't. To actually go to the area of devastation, when most people in his position would only ask for a video feed, showed that he was there for the people, and that the people were always foremost in his mind. It was political genius! As a strategist, I believe it couldn't have been a better play, and that he used this event to help further his political career. Even some republicans agreed that he did an amazing job. No one, with any political credibility would argue else wise. Yet I believe that the only reason republicans would be mad at the presidents action was because they didn't take advantage of the opportunity first. As a result he won.

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