Let's us talk about the one main topic that seemed to throw our beautiful nation into complete and unsightly temper tantrum over the last few years. That's right, Health Care, or better known as Obama Care. It seems that the people of our nation thought that this would bring about the end of the world. Well, that's the only logical explanation I could think of, that would justify people being so against it. Now I understand that Health Care was something the likes of us had never seen before, and we indeed are a people who are stuck in our ways. Yet, if we remained stuck, we will never be able to truly progress into the future.
Our taxes would be raised! So what? It's not like that hasn't happened before. If you look at certain places, like Canada, who are decades ahead of us in this race to be the best. They give free healthcare to their citizens, who in return pay higher taxes, but in retrospect, are happier. I used to think that if a person was injured badly they could go to the hospital regardless of whether they had health insurance or any form of healthcare policy. I have never been more wrong than this before.
What I don't get is why fight against something that actually helps our country? We claim to be United, heck it's in our name UNITED STATES, but how can a people of one nation fight against helping those who need protecting? It doesn't just work for the people who can't afford healthcare, it also helps workers of large and small companies alike. Many of which, don't offer any form of health care for their workers. Sure they love having people work and help them make their business grow, but they don't want to spend the extra money it would take to get those same people a healthcare policy. Why the double standard? Because Americans are cheap, we would rather fire a person that has worked at our business for years, than pay for their medical expenses. And many of these big businesses do just that! If it were happening to someone you loved you wouldn't put up with it. Isn't it time we demand that our government take better care of us?
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