Thursday, September 13, 2012

Be Silent or Die

The freedom of Speech is given to us as our right to being Americans, but is there a limit to how far it should go? Because of one man's right to the freedom of speech, people have been slain. The movie titled "Innocence of Islam" has outraged the Muslim community though-out Libya. Extremist took one man's outlook and decided to act upon it. The movie itself not only defiles the image of the prophet Mohammad, it depicts the religion of Islam as violent, and full of hypocrisy. The actions of the religion in question, to me, confirms the truth behind the curtain. Just because one man made a decision to do something, they decided to kill four innocent people. Christopher Stevens, one of the four killed, was a man who worked most of his life to help better nations like Libya. He was a kind and peaceful man who dedicated, and gave his life for a better cause. Nations make slanderous remarks about us all the time, yet you don't see us rioting and killing innocent people like savages. The pictures shown of Christopher Stevens were brutal. This man was beaten to death. He was plum-colored with bruises the size of baseballs all around his face. Below, I have posted two the actual pictures of Christopher Stevens death. In these pictures he IS dead. I take this time to warn you of the content. Also there are two links one of the video that started it all, and the other the result of it all. I believe you should read the Article from CNN below. We, as a nation, need to start educating ourselves and the people around us to what's really going on in the world today. Should we just stand by and allow for this to happen? Should we prosecute a man for his right to speak freely? Should nations bow down in fear of extremist acts from the Muslim nations? The floor is yours.

CNN: Slain ambassador...

Innocence of Muslims


(obtained through Google Search Engine)